Govt Document: Letters from Daniel Ortega to Bishops Conference re National Dialogue

Managua, April 24, 2018

Your Most Reverend Eminence

Cardinal Leopoldo Brenes

Bishops of the Bishops Conference of Nicaragua

Your Eminence and Excellencies:

We have received your message to the Nicaraguan people with a lot of recognition and respect, expressing your decision to accompany the Dialogue Process that we are installing in our country, to take up the paths of Reconciliation and Work, those paths that Nicaraguan familias demand of all of us.

We profoundly thank Your Most Reverend Cardinal Leopoldo Brenes and all the Bishops for continuing to contribute to the Encounter, to Tolerance and peaceful coexistence in our country.

We fully share your proposal of sectors who would be able to participate in the National Dialogue Sessions. And we would add others that we consider important.

Once again our gratitude, in the name of Nicaraguan families and the Government of Reconciliation and National Unity, for your disposition to participate as Mediators and Witnesses in these important events of the current history of Nicaragua.

We give thanks to God because in this Christian Nicaragua, with your presence, all of us will make the difference.

Daniel Ortega Saavadra

President of the Republic of Nicaragua


Managua, May 11, 2018

Your Most Reverend Eminence

Cardinal Leopoldo Josñé Brenes Solórzano

Metropolitan Archbishop of the Archdiocese of Managua

and President of the Bishops Conference of Nicaragua

Your Excellencies

Bishops of the Bishops Conference of Nicaragua

With respect and recognition we want to thank each one of you, and especially your most reverend Cardinal Leopoldo José, for the communication that we just received about the National Dialogue, so important and necessary to create the best possible conditions for Peace and Work in our Nicaragua.

We have read with a lot of attention, responsibility and care each one of your recommendations, and we recognize in them the constructive intention and evangelical spirit characteristic of your noble pastoral work.

We are in agreement with working on each one of the points proposed there, taking into account that in all of them your good will is shown as Mediators and Witnesses, expressed also in the third paragraph of your recent communication of April 24th:

“To facilitate the climate of dialogue we consider essential and imperative that the Government as well as each member of civil society: avoid all acts of violence, disrespect for public and private property, and that a serene climate prevail of absolute respect for the human lives of each and every Nicaraguan.”

We receive in that Spirit expressed by Your Eminence and Your Excellencies the proposals contained in points 1 through 4 of your letter today. We agree with your high religious authority on the need for the end to violence, intimidation and aggression against citizens, and we add our great concern on environments of terror created in the communities, where beyond the peaceful protests, that we respect absolutely, acts of violence are multiplying, that are destroying and affecting the quality of life of Nicaraguans of all ages, that cry out to God for the return to normality.

We can assure you that we are continuing and will continue working so that the Truth and responsibilities be established around the painful and tragic acts of recent weeks, and we commit to strengthen all Freedoms, as is incumbent on a responsible, serious government, respectful of all expressions of life, culture and humanity.

We reiterate before your High Authority, Your Most Reverend Leopoldo José, and Bishops of the Bishops Conference of our country, our commitment to dialogue, justice, safety and peace, and we remain open to hearing and incorporating all the contributions that represent the unity of purposes so that Nicaragua might be, in every sense, always better.

We assure Your Eminence and Your Excellencies that with humility and consideration we received your message and we write this response, understanding that we are all ready to go to your call for Dialogue at the soonest date possible for the tranquility of all Nicaraguans.

May Peace come!

May the Heart of Jesus be manifested and reign!

May Mary, Queen and Mother of Nicaragua protect us!


Daniel Ortega Saavadra

President of the Republic of Nicaragua