Message from Political Prisoner Tamara Dávila

On Feb 23 the trial of seven opposition leaders ended with a guilty verdict, after a series of violations of due process, starting with their arrest, the conditions of their imprisonment, all the way through the trial procedures themselves. The Twitter feed of “mujerlunar17” posted this message from Tamara Dávila, one of the seven found guilty who has been kept in solitary confinement and not allowed to see her daughter. She is the granddaughter of Pinita Vijil, and niece of another political prisoner, Ana Margarita Vijil.

 Message from Tamara Dávila


On today February 23, 2022 the trial ended against seven people unjustly arrested in the “El Chipote” Auxiliary Judicial Office, among them Tamara Dávila. The Prosecutor´s office asked for a verdict of guilty for all of them for crimes that they never committed.

Tamara sends us a message:

“I am innocent, my only “crime” has been to exercise my right to defend rights and denounce injustices. That is why I have been persecuted and illegally arrested. I had spent more than 6 months of being constantly watched by the police. In spite of not offering resistance, the day of my arrest, they hit me in the face several times until they made me bleed. On arriving at El Chipote I had to be taken to the nursing station. 

I want all people to know that I have spent more than eight months in a sealed cell, in complete isolation where they pass me food and medicine through a small hatch. 

I am illegally imprisoned, they have violated all my rights, I demand that they do not continue violating the rights of my five year old daughter. Do not punish her, she has the right to see her mother and be certain that I am alive, this is established in the laws of Nicaragua and international conventions on the protection of children. 

I demand that:

  • I be allowed to see my daughter and communicate with her regularly
  • That my diary be returned to my family where I have documented the life of my daughter since I was pregnant with her, and which they have used as evidence in this trial. The memory and life of a girl is written there, they CANNOT violate her privacy in that way.
  • I also demand that my isolation and lack of communication be ended, along with that of all the people who are suffering it, especially the other women prisoners in El Chipote. I am in such isolation that it was Tuesday the 15th, when the trial began, the first day in more than eight months where I ate with someone. That is torture, I demand that my rights be restored.

Yesterday, today and tomorrow I will continue defending rights and demanding justice, freedom and democracy for Nicaragua.” 

We support you, Tami, we love you. In all circumstances and moments we will continue by your side with an immense amount of pride for your dignity and fortitude, which has taught us a life lesson.

#LibertadaYa #NoMasAislamiento #QueLes PasenUnaCobija