This what is known about the 25 NGOs eliminated by the Ortega regime

The Ortega regime eliminated another 25 NGOs in Nicaragua, adding to the already 107 eliminated  which included several universities. This recent batch includes Operation Smile, which does cleft lip and palate operations; a scholarship fund for  the Jesuit secondary school known as Colegio Centroamerica; and the FDL Association, which separated from the microfinance institution of the same name back in 2016 as the legal owner of the investments of the Jesuits in that Microfinance institution. What follows is a brief description of each NGO eliminated yesterday.

This what is known about the 25 NGOs eliminated by the Ortega regime

By Nicaraguainvestiga March 17, 2022

This past Wednesday the Sandinista deputy Filiberto Jacinto Rodríguez, vice-president of the Commission for Peace, Defense, Governance and Human Rights in the National Assembly, controlled by the party in power, sent to the first secretary of this branch of government the “Bill for a Legislative Decree for the Elimination of the Legal Status of 25 NGOs” and which was finally approved 24 hours later.

Among these NGOs are mentioned civil, non-profit associations and foundations in the defense of human rights, against violence against women, and managers of public policy.

Nicaraguan Foundation for Economic and Social Development – FUNIDES

It is the first on the list and has operated in the country since February 2006 with the approval of their legal status. It promotes independent thinking through research and policy analysis in the areas of social and economic development and institutional reform. In June of last year, the Nicaraguan Prosecutor´s Office called in their board members and former board members to respond to accusation of supposed illicit operations that involved its former executive director, Juan Sebastián Chamorro, currently a political prisoner [and who announced his intention to run for the presidency]

Violeta Barrios de Chamorro Foundation for Reconciliation and Democracy

With more than 20 years of work training countless journalists and supported national journalism in different areas. Since the persecution of 2018 it has even provided support to digital media.

The organization served as a nexus and support for different organizations and people related to the ideals of liberal democracy and freedom of expression. It channeled funds from foreign aid, particularly the US agency USAID, something that the government of Daniel Ortega used as a pretext to persecute the organization, and arrest its director Cristiana Barrios Chamorro, a former presidential candidate. Experts from the Police itself stated that the funds from USAID were not licit.

Ethics and Transparency Group

It worked as an electoral observer since 1996, committed to the execution of a quality electoral process and one with clean results.

Prior to the general elections of last year, this foundation demanded “free and authentic” conditions in faithful compliance with some “articles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights”, and in 2020 asked to be included in the reforms of the Electoral Law which the National Assembly made, nevertheless, their call was not listened to.

Vital Voices of Nicaragua Association

Is an organization that promoted “the economic development of women leaders who are creating economic opportunities.” For nearly 10 years of operation they have carried out activities of inclusion and motivation so that women might lead in all spaces of Nicaraguan society.

Foundation for Liberty – FPL

“Is an organization with the dual purpose of serving as a center for thought and a space for dialogue and the promotion of a free, open, responsible and prosperous society in Nicaragua and Central America,” reads their website.

It was created at the end of 2012 through a donation from Felix Maradiaga, a Nicaraguan political scientist, for the purpose of promoting educational and political research spaces with a focus on freedom, respect for private property and the Rule of Law.

Agora Partnerships-Agora Nicaragua Foundation

Their legal status was registered and approved in 2007 even though it started in 2006. Since then, it has joined forces to accelerate change toward a more sustainable, equitable and abundant world, through different programs that redefine the way entrepreneurs do business.

Foundation for the Autonomy and Development of the Atlantic Coast of Nicaragua – FADCANIC

It is a civil, non-partisan, non-profit organization headquartered in the Autonomous Regions of the Caribbean Coast which works for the improvement of the quality of life of indigenous peoples and ethnic communities and development with equity and social justice.

Entrepreneurs of Nicaragua civil association

This organization knowns as AWEWAS is in the northern Caribbean Coast, has worked on strategies in the defense of women, children and adolescents through legal and psychological treatment of victims of violence and sex abuse. In addition to implementing projects aimed at the conservation of the environment.

Harvard Club in Nicaragua Association

Was created in 2012 with the purpose of promoting a spirit of fraternity among graduates, former students and current students of this prestigious university, extending the knowledge of their objectives and achievement to students and former students in Nicaragua, as well as promoting the appropriate application of Nicaraguan youth to the University of Harvard.

Alexander Von Humboldt Center for the Promotion of the Development of the Territory and Management of the Environment – Humboldt Center

Since 1990 has worked as an oversight system of natural disasters and climate change in the country for the solution of environmental and local problems to the benefit of sustainable development.

Social Club of Matagalpa

This club maintained its legal status since September 2004 and operated as a convention center that provided restaurant services and activities and events with a level of comfort and security.

Citizen Crusade for Democracy Foundation – CCD

Is a political organization that involved representatives of different political parties with legal status since 2004. Through financing and donations, they supported candidates with ideas that they called democratic.

Kolping Nicaraguan Foundation

A social Catholic association founded in 1850 by the priest and German social reformer Adolfo Kolping and in Nicaragua had legal status since 2001. It coordinates, supports and accompanies development projects in more than 40 countries. The work is financed through public resources and donations.

Institute for the Observation for Democracy and Human Rights Foundation – IDH

This is an association of a humanitarian nature as observers of different civic social processes of the country and in the defense of human rights.

8th of March Civil Collective Association

Is a movement of women in defense of the rights of women with an approach of training, counseling and quality services in the knowledge of their human rights with an emphasis on sexual and reproductive rights, citizenship and no gender violence. It had legal status since 1992.

Scholarship Funds of Former Students of Colegio Centroamerica Foundation – FOBECA

An association financed principally from private resources from former students of the Colegio Centroamerica, directed at forming leaders in all spheres of national life through the incorporation of talented students, but with low economic resources, into secondary education at the Colegio Centroamerica.

Local Development Fund Association (FDL)

It is a nonprofit association created by NITLAPAN-UCA for the purpose of providing financial services to micro, small and medium rural and urban business people which would allow them to increase their standard of living and capital. It operated with legal status since 1999.

In 2016 the microfinance institution of the FDL became separate from the Association with the same name, which was under the administration of the Central American University, and now is a organization registered in the Superintendency of Banks and Other Financial Institutions of Nicaragua (SIBOIF). The association eliminated belongs to the UCA, which is a new blow to this higher studies center.

The Dictatorship eliminated more foreign NGOs

Operational Smile Nicaragua Association

It is an organization with 35 years of experience and promoted vital reconstructive surgery of cleft lip and palate. Many children, youth and adults were benefited by this holistic attention and reconstructive surgeries.

Dr. Pedro J Chamorro Cardenal Association of Journalists of Nicaragua

Functioned with legal status since 1995 and is an organization of Nicaraguan journalists in the defense of the freedom of expression in the country.

Center for Justice and Human Rights in the Atlantic Coast – CEJUDHCAN

Is a non-governmental organization composed of indigenous professionals who since 2003 worked on the development of the capacities of indigenous peoples and ethnic communities in the Atlantic Coast of Nicaragua, but had legal status since 2005.

Christian Center for Human Rights – CCDH

Is an organization composed of lawyers with Christian principles at the service of Nicaraguan society in the promotion, protection and defense of human rights and civic education. They provided legal assistance to all people who had their rights violated, principally those with low economic resources.

Center for the Prevention of Violence Association – CEPREV

Considered a movement defender of human rights, founded in 1997, it operated with the purpose of contributing to society applying a model for the prevention of violence in spaces like schools, communities and institutions.

Nicaraguan Democratic Civic Association – ACDN

A civil, non-profit association registered since October 2009 in the Ministry of the Interior of Nicaragua, was characterized by developing public policies with a perspective of equity, equality and freedom for the citizenry as strategic actors for the social, economic, cultural, environmental and political development of Nicaragua.

Foundation for Nicaraguan Human Dignity

This foundation was founded in 2002 and provided support to the “Sor María Romero” home for the elderly, and after its elimination the elderly are left practically “in the air”.