PRESS RELEASE from family of Miguel Mendoza

Until this past December political prisoners were not allowed to receive any communication or contact with their children -no letters, drawings, photos, phone calls much less in person visits, all things required by national law and international human rights conventions. This December the regime announced they would allow family visits during the December and New Year holidays. As a result Miguel Mendoza and his daughter, Alejandra, were finally able to embrace after 533 days. But before the scheduled family visit of December 31, the family received a call from the prison authorities canceling their visit. The following statement was released by the family in response to their canceled visit.


Managua, January 3, 2023

As the family of the sports journalist Miguel Mendoza Urbina, we are thankful to those who have been attentive to the health and life of our dear Miguel and the reencounter with his little Alejandra, who had to wait 18 months (533 days) to hug her father, from the day he was unjustly incarcerated.

As it is already known, the National Police through a press release reported that the political prisoners would receive visits from their family members on the holidays of the end of the year, and we should thank the all-powerful God because Alejandra was finally able to hug her father this past 8 and 25 of December, as is her right.

This past December 31 and January 1 new family visits were authorized for the political prisoners who are found in the complex of the Judicial Support Office, known as the new Chipote, something that fills our hearts with joy for those who were able to see their loved ones once again.

Unfortunately, the heart of our family is broken, particularly of our dear Alejandra, who once again was deprived of seeing and embracing her father on that date so symbolic of the beginning of the year, which as a family we are accustomed to receive in family unity.

An official notified us by phone that the scheduled visit for Miguel had been canceled following an order, due to publications on social networks. The notification was very brief and did not specify what part of our joy and that of Alejandra on embracing her father they did not like.

Following the Law and making use of our rights contained in Article 30 of the Constitution, as family members we shared with you the story of the encounter between Miguel and Alejandra, who spent 18 months wanting to see one another and resisting the effects of forced distancing, a separation that leaves consequences in the emotional state, particularly of the girl.

We will continue demanding respect for our rights as a family, of our dear Miguel, unjustly jailed for the simple reason of expressing his ideas, and of our dear Alejandra, who regardless of how much they deprive her from seeing her father, will continue praying for him and for the hard hearts of those who are doing us so much harm.

Freedom for the more than 200 political prisoners in Nicaragua!

God bless them!