Civic Alliance Press Release #8 of June 14, 2018

The Civic Alliance is the civil society organization that is the counterpart to the Government in the National Dialogue called by the  Government. This press release came after the National Strike that was called for June 14


Press release #8

To the Dialogue for Nicaragua

We thank each and everyone of the Nicaraguans who joined the National 24 hour Strike, a call for civic and peaceful protest, in spite of the threats and attacks that have increased in recent days, especially in León, Masatepe, Nindirí, Carazo, Bilwi, Nagarote and Tipitapa costing more lives of Nicaraguans. Our most deeply felt condolences to their family members.

We thank the businesses that joined this initiative, their collaborators and the public employees who also went on strike for Nicaragua

We went on strike for the future Nicaragua and to honor the lives of the heroes of this civic struggle. We went on strike for the courage of the youth who started this struggle 58 days ago. We went on strike to honor their mothers, fathers, spouses and friends.

We went on strike because we live in a repressive regime. We strike in support of the National Dialogue mediated by the Episcopal Conference of Nicaragua that will be re-established in the coming hours, and to demand the immediate end to the violence and repression.

We reaffirm that this dialogue is the form of peaceful solution to the civic struggle and demands of our people. The dialogue has the purpose of revising the political system of Nicaragua from its roots to achieve authentic justice and democracy. It is the path to build the Nicaragua that we want and in which we all should live.

Today the people raised their voices and showed their power and unity, all the provinces of the country participated successfully in the strike. In the face of the extreme conditions that Nicaragua is experiencing, we take extreme measures.

University and Civil Society Coalition, AMCHAM, FUNIDES, FAGANIC, Caribbean Coast, National Council in Defense of Our Land, Lake and Sovereignty-Peasant Movement, COSEP, UPANIC, Civil Society

Managua, June 14, 2018