Police detained people who carried out a demonstration without the corresponding permit

Independent news channels in Nicaragua showed the police arresting what later became known as 38 people among many who gathered to demonstrate against the government. In the past the government policy was to mount pro government counter demonstrations along the same route announced by the opposition. This week the Police announced that they would arrest any organizers of any event that would  alter public peace. Here is the press release from the Police about the arrests this morning and their reasoning.

Police detained people who carried out a demonstration without the corresponding permit

Sunday, Oct 14, 2018, Press Release

(Published in El 19 Digital)

General Commissioner, Jaime Vanega Vega, Inspector General of the National Police, read a press release which clarifies the events that occurred on Sunday morning in the sector of Camino de Oriente in Managua

The press release specifies that today at 9:00am 38 people were arrested who were promoting provocative and instigating activities that violated the right to peace and harmonious co-existence of families.

The General Commissioner specified that of the 38 arrested, 8 were already released.

The 30 people arrested are those who called for the demonstration, altering peace and the normal harmonious existence of the people.

He reminded that demonstrations will not be permitted that do not have permits, nor will any action be permitted that would violate the right of families to peace and life, and recalled that any instigating and provocative activity will be punished.

The police are carrying out investigations to determine the degree of responsibility of those arrested, to later send them to the competent authorities for their trial.

Press Release No. 117-2018

The National Police makes known to the people of Nicaragua the following:

Today, Sunday October 14, 2018 at 9:15am in the morning in the sector Camino de Oriente of Managua, the National Police captured 38 people involved in instigating and provocative activities that violate the right of Nicaraguan families to move about, freely circulate and carry out their economic, commercial, religious, sports and recreational activities with normalcy.

8 people were released:

  1. José Dolores Blandino
  2. Marlen Auxiliadora Chow Cruz
  3. Alba Luz Aragón Dávila
  4. Ramiro Eduardo Lacayo Deshón
  5. Nena Gisela Morales
  6. Arlin Elias Martínez Luna
  7. Eliam Stiven Martínez González
  8. Douglas David Díaz Obando

30 people remain in prison who called for and participated in a Public Demonstration without the proper permit, altering peace and the normal harmonious existence of our people:

  1. José Alejandro Vega Potoy
  2. Francisco Raúl Ortega Guzmán
  3. Marvin Arturo Reyes Rosales
  4. Leo Manuel Navarrete Lumbi
  5. Freddy Ramírez Guido
  6. Alejandro de Jesús Cordero Ocón
  7. Mauricio Rios Mencias
  8. Sandra Patricia Cuadra Murillo
  9. Slivia Castillo Salaverry
  10. María Alejandra Machado Blandón
  11. Marcela Martínez Guzmán
  12. Deysi Tamara Dávila Rivas
  13. María Dolores Monge Aguilar
  14. María de los Ángeles Gutierrez García
  15. Suyén Barahona Quant
  16. Ana Lucía Álvarez Vigil
  17. Sofia Gabriela Velásquez González
  18. Juan Omar Escorcía Martínez
  19.  Maynor Josué Quintero Peña
  20. Manuel Salvador Martínez
  21. Rolando Ernesto Tapio Orozco
  22. Orlando Antonio Luna Guevara
  23. Gustavo Adolfo Vargas Rojas
  24. Ana Margarita Vijil
  25. Kenneth Joel Saballos
  26. Andrés Reyes Monge
  27. José Antonio Peraza Collado
  28. Orlando Rafael Miranda Ángel
  29. Roger Nicolás Cano Lara
  30. Gerson Daniel Delgadillo López

The National Police in the exercise of their constitutional and legal faculties are carrying out investigations to determine the degree of penal responsibility of those arrested and will send them to the competent authorities for their prosecution.

The National Police are fulfilling their constitutional duty to ensure the tranquility and security of all Nicaraguan families, and therefore reiterate that they will not permit demonstrations or mobilizations on the public streets that do not have the proper Permit.

The National Police reiterates that no activity will be permited that violates the right of Nicaraguan families to peace and life, and recalls that any provocative, instigating and violent activity will be penalized in accordance with the Constitution and the Laws of Nicaragua.

Managua, Sunday October 14, 2018

Public Relations Division

National Police